Time Travel with Queerish
This LGBTQ+ History Month, travel back in time with the Queerish Book Box to the world of Silver Moon, a feminist bookshop founded by a lesbian icon in 1980's Britain.

The Queerish Book Club: Hiatus
The Queerish Book Club will be on a break after our January meet-up to allow Megan time to rest and figure out next steps. Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to here when we start back up!

Our Store
The physical bookshop is now closed. Thank you so much for all your support!
Although the pink store is no more, this isn’t a sad story of a business closing; it’s the celebration of a community growing and changing. Queerish remains in all of us because WE are Queerish.
Here's to the future and building a thriving community in Darlington 💖